thenextweb : How to remove all old posts from your Facebook Timeline

How to remove all old posts from your Facebook Timeline

How to remove all old posts from your Facebook Timeline
Facebook is notoriously bad for reminding you of the things you've posted in the past.If you're like me, you probably have quite a few posts lurking in the dark history of your Timeline that you completely forgot about.It's time to delete those from once and for all, and I'm going to show you how.

Sister defends Staten Island detective's racist Facebook posts

Sister defends Staten Island detective's racist Facebook posts
Ranting seems to run in the family.The sister of a NYPD detective who posted racist Facebook messages came to his defense via the same social media network that got the officer in trouble.Detective Gregory Gordon's conduct is currently under review by the NYPD after the Daily News first reported he had — among other things — called Mayor de Blasio's wife Chirlane McCray a "former crack addict.""What's sad is 'he' spoke the truth on his private forum and some sad individual is trying to bring a good cop down," Marissa Carbonara wrote on the Staten Island Advance's Facebook page Thursday night.

Facebook is censoring some posts on Indian Kashmir

Facebook is censoring some posts on Indian Kashmir
NEW DELHI — Film makers, activists and journalists accused Facebook of blocking their accounts this week after they posted messages and images related to the violence in the trouble-torn province of Kashmir.In recent weeks, the India-administered, Muslim-majority Kashmir state has been facing violence and curfews after protests erupted against the killing of a popular leader of a terrorist group.As people posted images, videos and stories about police violence and people injured by pellet wounds on Facebook, some discovered their accounts were disabled.
