The Algorithm That Facebook Replaced Its Human Editors With Started Trending Fake News
Facebook recently announced that they would no longer require human editors to write the descriptions for their trending topics list, trusting an algorithm to do the job instead.The move has made Facebook one of the first publishers in the world to trust bots over humans as far as generating content is concerned.But as expected, it's not all hunky-dory for the social media giant.
Facebook Trending Algorithm Has First Weekend Without Humans, Picks Fake Story
Facebook's Trending section has had a pretty tough few weeks.Following claims that the section was being biased by human editors Facebook's response has been to fire those humans and, as of last Friday, replace them with an algorithm.How's it going?
Facebook faces music over fake story in Trending Topics – Tech2
Social networking giant Facebook is facing the music over a fake story that it promoted on the Trending Topics feature over the last weekend.The Facebook review team approved the news story about Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly which claimed the news channel had fired Kelly for "backing Hillary (Clinton)".The approval apparently came after the team saw enough stories written in and around the topic, tech website CNET reported on Tuesday.
Facebook axed human Trending News editors, algorithm immediately goes full-on FAIL
Hopefully you were not curious about why McChicken was trending on Twitter.If you checked it out and saw the graphic video of a man engaging in a sexual act with the McDonald's sandwich, then you might have wished for a miracle cure to unsee it.But Twitter was not the only place McChicken was trending; it was also trending on Facebook because it was going viral.
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