Facebook Says Safety Check Was Activated By People Near Charlotte Protests
ID: 9670486What began as a tool for people in Nepal to mark themselves "safe" after 2015's devastating earthquake is now being used by protestors in Charlotte, North Carolina.Facebook's Safety Check — a feature that has so far been deployed in the wake of natural disasters, bombings, and violent crime — was activated Thursday following protests sparked by the police killing of Keith Lamont Scott, a 43-year-old black man.A Facebook spokesperson told BuzzFeed News that this was the first time Safety Check has been activated for a protest.
Ole Miss investigating student's Facebook comment on Charlotte protests
Please enable Javascript to watch this videoOXFORD, Miss.-- The University of Mississippi is investigating after a comment on a Facebook post was made by a student.Ole Miss has received tweets, including from activist/columnist Shaun King, about the comment, which references lynching.
Facebook Safety Check used in Charlotte protests
Dr.Ophelia Garmon-Brown on recent unrest in CharlotteLyric Scott reacts after father shot by policeSWAT activation on WT Harris BlvdFriday morning appears normal in CharlottePolice confrontation with protesters at Interstate 277Scenes from Thursday's protest2:14
Facebook 'Safety Check' activated amidst violent Charlotte protests
After two nights of violent protests and unrest in North Carolina, Gov.Pat McCrory declared a state of emergency in the city of Charlotte and the community activated Facebook's Safety Check feature.Following a disaster, Facebook's Safety Check feature allows users to notify others on the site that they're safe or to check in on other friends who may have been affected.
Facebook activates safety check in Charlotte
CNET / Screenshot by Laura HautalaAre your friends and family in Charlotte, North Carolina okay?Now you can check on Facebook to find out.The social media company activated its "safety check" feature on Thursday in the aftermath of protests over the police killing of Keith Lamont Scott, a 43-year-old black man.
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