upi :Facebook exaggerates key video viewing metric; advertisers given inflated data

Facebook exaggerates key video viewing metric; advertisers given inflated data

Facebook exaggerates key video viewing metric; advertisers given inflated data
PALO ALTO, Calif., Sept. 23 (UPI) -- Social media giant Facebook inflated average video viewing times from its platform by up to 80 percent in the past two years, the company and other sources said.Facebook boosted the figures by counting a video as viewed if it had been seen for more than 3 seconds when calculating its "average duration of video viewed" metric, which makes it seem like viewers were watching videos for much longer.The miscalculation may have caused marketers to misjudge the performance of its video advertising over the past two years.

Facebook is Teflon: why inflating video viewing may not change anything

Facebook is Teflon: why inflating video viewing may not change anything
Anthony Fitzgerald, CEO, MCNThe past three days have not been Facebook's finest but it will probably emerge unscathed, and unchallenged, as the global advertising and media sector's "Teflon Queen".That's my hunch based on Facebook's recent advertiser-defying history although I hope I'm wrong.The industry debate has been frantic since The Wall Street Journal last Friday led a blistering run of international reports on the social media giant admitting to have inflated users' time with video on the platform by 60% - for two years.

Advertising groups demand third-party oversight after Facebook is exposed for inflating video views

Advertising groups demand third-party oversight after Facebook is exposed for inflating video views
Advertising groups are calling for third-party oversight in measurement following news that Facebook has been overinflating its video views for two years, meaning many advertisers have been misled over engagement time.The social network admitted to the mistake on Thursday (22 September) causing a wave of concern among marketers and advertisers who may have been buying false metrics for years.The social network revealed that its metric for the average time users spent watching videos was artificially inflated because it had been dividing the total spent watching a video by the number of people who had seen at least three seconds of it rather than everyone who had watched it..
