collected by :Andro Alex

Facebook's core attraction isn't news articles you could find anywhere, it's intimate posts from your real friends.That explains why Facebook is trying to make highly personal text statuses as eye-catching as photos with the new test of a colored background option.The feature lets users select a color that appears behind their text status in place of the normally-white background.
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Are you tired of that boring black and white text on Facebook?Do you long for the days of MySpace where you could throw caution to the wind and just paint your profile page neon green?Well, you can't quite do that, but Facebook has introduced a new feature that could let you do the next best thing: adding background color to your posts.
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After "the most requested Messenger feature ever" yesterday -- Group Video Chat -- Facebook now has another update.This time around the social network is allowing users to change the background color of status updates.Before you get too excited, however, there are limitations aplenty to bear in mind.
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follow the latest progress in facebook in different sites most famous technicals "Josh Constine" by 2016-12-20 at 18:38
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Facebook encourages text statuses with new colored backgrounds

Facebook's core attraction isn't news articles you could find anywhere, it's intimate posts from your real friends.That explains why Facebook is trying to make highly personal text statuses as eye-catching as photos with the new test of a colored background option.The feature lets users select a color that appears behind their text status in place of the normally-white background.
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Spice up your Facebook timeline with colored backgrounds

Are you tired of that boring black and white text on Facebook?Do you long for the days of MySpace where you could throw caution to the wind and just paint your profile page neon green?Well, you can't quite do that, but Facebook has introduced a new feature that could let you do the next best thing: adding background color to your posts.
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Facebook brings colored backgrounds to statuses
After "the most requested Messenger feature ever" yesterday -- Group Video Chat -- Facebook now has another update.This time around the social network is allowing users to change the background color of status updates.Before you get too excited, however, there are limitations aplenty to bear in mind.
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