Facebook Live For Law Firms — From Russia

collected by :Andro Alex

follow the latest progress in facebook in different sites most famous technicals "Saqib Shah" by 2016-12-22 at 4:2

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Facebook Mentions App Gets Exclusive Live Video Features

Facebook Mentions App Gets Exclusive Live Video Features
- Before Facebook made its burgeoning Live Video tool available to general users, it handed it over to celebs and influencers via its Mentions app.Now, Facebook is updating Mentions with even more features that enable its top publishers to schedule, moderate, and edit broadcasts.Seeing as so many a-list celebs are just too damn busy to remember when to go live, Facebook is launching a new team prompts function that lets a pubic figure's team create drafts of Live Video post descriptions — which can be reviewed and shared at a later date.
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Facebook Live For Law Firms — From Russia

Facebook Live For Law Firms — From Russia
- Facebook Live provides law firms the opportunity to present streaming news and information to their target audience without going through an intermediary.Think about how such Facebook Live broadcasts compare to the status quo of getting lawyers on traditional video broadcast, television.Get marketing and public relationships professionals working on "packaging" particular lawyers.
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Facebook Live woos celebrities with updates, ability to blacklist comments

Facebook Live woos celebrities with updates, ability to blacklist comments
- Facebook is giving public figures more tools, such as flipping the camera horizontally or vertically or changing the brightness setting, when shooting Facebook Live videos.(Photo: Facebook)SAN FRANCISCO — In a bid to attract high quality content to boost its nascent live-streaming service, Facebook is giving celebrities and other public figures more tools to control their Facebook Live videos, including the ability to moderate comments during the broadcast by blacklisting certain words and phrases.The new tools were developed based on feedback from public figures, according to Facebook.
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