Facebook report shows increase in data requests from India

collected by :Andro Alex

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Facebook report shows increase in data requests from India

Facebook report shows increase in data requests from India
Government requests for account data increased by 27 per cent globally compared to the last half of 2015 Government requests for account data increased by 27 per cent globally compared to the last half of 2015The Indian government requested Facebook for data 6,324 times in the first half of 2016, according to the social network's latest Global Government Requests Report.This number was up from 5,561 in the quarter before.Interestingly, Facebook's was able to produce "some data" in 53.59% of the cases, up from just over 50 per cent in the last quarter.
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Facebook gets second highest number of requests from India - Livemint

Facebook gets second highest number of requests from India - Livemint
Facebook provided 'some data' in 53.6% of the cases in the first half of 2016 compared to a little over 50% in the previous six months.Photo: Reuters6,324What is it?The number of requests social networking firm Facebook has received from the Indian government seeking data on users.
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Government requests for Facebook user data up 27 percent in first half of 2016

Government requests for Facebook user data up 27 percent in first half of 2016
Facebook released its latest transparency report today, detailing government requests for user data for the first half of 2016.According to the report, government requests for account data increased by 27 percent globally as compared with the last half of 2015.The number of requests grew from 46,710 to 59,229, Facebook said.
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