collected by :Andro Alex
- Facebook Germany announces tools to tackle fake news ahead of electionUpdatedFacebook has announced it will update its social media platforms in Germany to reduce the dissemination of fake news after concerns were raised that false information could influence September's election."Last month we announced measures to tackle the challenge of fake news on Facebook," the US technology company's German-language newsroom said."We will put these updates in place in Germany in the coming weeks."
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- FACEBOOK says it's introducing measures to tackle the spread of fake news in Germany, months before the country holds a national election.The social network says the investigative media group Correctiv will be its first outside fact-checker in Germany and it's working to bring aboard other media organisations.It said updates to make it easier to notify cases of fake news will be introduced shortly in Germany.
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follow the latest progress in facebook in different sites most famous technicals "Australian Broadcasting Corporation" by 2017-01-16 at 0:13
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Facebook Germany announces tools to tackle fake news ahead of election
- Facebook Germany announces tools to tackle fake news ahead of electionUpdatedFacebook has announced it will update its social media platforms in Germany to reduce the dissemination of fake news after concerns were raised that false information could influence September's election."Last month we announced measures to tackle the challenge of fake news on Facebook," the US technology company's German-language newsroom said."We will put these updates in place in Germany in the coming weeks."
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Facebook tackling spread of fake news in lead-up to German elections
- FACEBOOK says it's introducing measures to tackle the spread of fake news in Germany, months before the country holds a national election.The social network says the investigative media group Correctiv will be its first outside fact-checker in Germany and it's working to bring aboard other media organisations.It said updates to make it easier to notify cases of fake news will be introduced shortly in Germany.
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