collected by :Andro Alex
- Facebook on Sunday announced an initiative to combat the proliferation of fake news on its German-language social media platforms."We are working very carefully on a solution to this problem.Our efforts are focused on the distribution of unique false alarms generated by spammers.
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- Facebook plans to deploy a tool to deal with fake news in Germany in the coming weeks, after announcing tests of the tool last month.The move comes after reports that some German politicians wanted to impose fines of thousands of euros for each fake news story disseminated.The process of identifying fake news will typically begin with a report from a Facebook user.
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- Facebook is expanding its trial of measures to combat fake news beyond the U.S. for the first time — and will shortly be rolling out the updates in Germany.In a blog post yesterday the company said it will be introducing the updates to the market "in the coming weeks".Last month Facebook's VP of News Feed, Adam Mosseri, detailed the company's plans for fighting fake news being shared and amplified on the platform.
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follow the latest progress in facebook in different sites most famous technicals "Deutsche Welle" by 2017-01-18 at 15:58
As it stated in
Facebook launches initiative to combat fake news in Germany
- Facebook on Sunday announced an initiative to combat the proliferation of fake news on its German-language social media platforms."We are working very carefully on a solution to this problem.Our efforts are focused on the distribution of unique false alarms generated by spammers.
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Facebook launches fake news reporting tool in Germany
- Facebook plans to deploy a tool to deal with fake news in Germany in the coming weeks, after announcing tests of the tool last month.The move comes after reports that some German politicians wanted to impose fines of thousands of euros for each fake news story disseminated.The process of identifying fake news will typically begin with a report from a Facebook user.
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Facebook takes its fake news fight to Germany
- Facebook is expanding its trial of measures to combat fake news beyond the U.S. for the first time — and will shortly be rolling out the updates in Germany.In a blog post yesterday the company said it will be introducing the updates to the market "in the coming weeks".Last month Facebook's VP of News Feed, Adam Mosseri, detailed the company's plans for fighting fake news being shared and amplified on the platform.
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