As it stated in "This little baby has cancer and he needs money for surgery," the fake post, which Facebook removed after an investigation, said. A fake Facebook post about a child who scammers pretended has cancer has been shared by more than 1.2 million users of the social network. Photos of a child with chickenpox were used to fool users into thinking Facebook would donate money to help the boy depending on the amount of shares and likes the post received.
as declared in
Facebook has removed the post featuring Jasper Allen's pictures, but other similar fake cancer posts featuring other children remain live. The BBC reported on Tuesday the case of a child from Cambridgeshire whose photos had been used alongside a fake plea for help. It is the second time the social network has disabled the account following complaints, only to re-enable it hours later. "This little baby has cancer and he need money for surgery," the accompanying post stated. Cybersecurity expert Prof Alan Woodward said Facebook did not appear to have scrutinised the case closely enough despite the publicity it had generated.
Facebook pages had been set up claiming that little Jasper has cancer, saying his family need money for surgery. Jasper Allen, aged three, was hospitalised for five days last year with the worst chicken pox doctors had ever seen. It's not the fact they stole the pictures, it's the fact they're lying – cancer is not something you should joke about. Mercury Press 9 Jasper Allen, aged three, with his worried mum SarahMercury Press 9 The mum said: "I have had friends and family call up thinking Jasper actually has cancer. Sarah said: "Facebook need to make the reporting process better and take things like this down straight away.
to read more visit us Facebook
collected by :Andro Alex
as declared in
Facebook confusion over fake cancer babies U-turn
Facebook has removed the post featuring Jasper Allen's pictures, but other similar fake cancer posts featuring other children remain live. The BBC reported on Tuesday the case of a child from Cambridgeshire whose photos had been used alongside a fake plea for help. It is the second time the social network has disabled the account following complaints, only to re-enable it hours later. "This little baby has cancer and he need money for surgery," the accompanying post stated. Cybersecurity expert Prof Alan Woodward said Facebook did not appear to have scrutinised the case closely enough despite the publicity it had generated.
Facebook scammers who stole pictures of toddler with severe chicken pox to claim he had cancer FINALLY have pics removed
Facebook pages had been set up claiming that little Jasper has cancer, saying his family need money for surgery. Jasper Allen, aged three, was hospitalised for five days last year with the worst chicken pox doctors had ever seen. It's not the fact they stole the pictures, it's the fact they're lying – cancer is not something you should joke about. Mercury Press 9 Jasper Allen, aged three, with his worried mum SarahMercury Press 9 The mum said: "I have had friends and family call up thinking Jasper actually has cancer. Sarah said: "Facebook need to make the reporting process better and take things like this down straight away.
to read more visit us Facebook
collected by :Andro Alex
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