Why Mark Zuckerberg Just Wrote a New Facebook Manifesto quoting : "NYMag"

collected by :Andro Alex

as declared in He identifies some themes that will be essential to get right across the social network if he's to pull off the utopian vision of a world united by Facebook. (Read more: "Facebook at a Crossroads," "Facebook's Three-Point Plan to Get Four Billion More People Online," "Facebook Will Try to Outsource a Fix for Its Fake-News Problem") In it, he describes his vision for the future of his social network. Zuckerberg is well aware of the problem, and he has thousands of words to say on how he plans to shape the social network to pacify critics and improve the world. "History is the story of how we've learned to come together in ever greater numbers—from tribes to cities to nations," he writes.

according to
Why Mark Zuckerberg Just Wrote a New Facebook Manifesto
The manifesto contains one important admission from Zuckerberg (Facebook is vastly influential), but lacks a corresponding truth (that power is what makes people skeptical of Facebook). The manifesto reads like Mark Zuckerberg has never encountered an email client or a LISTSERV. But after reading the document, my sense is that Mark Zuckerberg isn't setting himself up for a political career, but is finally dragging himself across the finish line of self-realization. (The best is with Recode's Kara Swisher: "Mark Zuckerberg … has become of late very, how shall we put it, woke.") To the casual observers who've been predicting a Zuckerberg run for office, the whole event felt like further confirmation. And while founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg has expressed skepticism over Facebook's role in last year's presidential election, he's clearly taken the criticism seriously.

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