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As it stated in Apple has announced a new social media-friendly video app on iOS called Clips, which is compatible with apps like Snapchat and Instagram. The technology giant said the new app for iphone and iPad makes it "incredibly easy" to create expressive videos on iOS.
according to Facebook has started rolling out its third-party fact-checking tool in the fight against fake news, alerting users to "disputed content". Clicking "post anyway" publishes the link, but it appears in others' timelines as "Disputed by and Associated Press". For some users, attempting to share the story prompts a red alert stating the article has been disputed by both and the Associated Press. It was also possible to flag it to Facebook as a "fake news story" through the usual reporting process. Read moreIn mid-December, Facebook announced it would begin flagging fake news stories with the help of users and five independent fact-checkers: ABC News, AP,, Politifact and Snopes.
according to
to read more visit us Facebook
As it stated in Apple has announced a new social media-friendly video app on iOS called Clips, which is compatible with apps like Snapchat and Instagram. The technology giant said the new app for iphone and iPad makes it "incredibly easy" to create expressive videos on iOS.
according to Facebook has started rolling out its third-party fact-checking tool in the fight against fake news, alerting users to "disputed content". Clicking "post anyway" publishes the link, but it appears in others' timelines as "Disputed by and Associated Press". For some users, attempting to share the story prompts a red alert stating the article has been disputed by both and the Associated Press. It was also possible to flag it to Facebook as a "fake news story" through the usual reporting process. Read moreIn mid-December, Facebook announced it would begin flagging fake news stories with the help of users and five independent fact-checkers: ABC News, AP,, Politifact and Snopes.
according to
Nielsen's new tool measures ad reach across TV and Facebook
In addition to the new solution, Nielsen said that, in order to better understand how Facebook and TV advertising work together to drive sales, NCS conducted a study of CPG brands. Nielsen Catalina Solutions has a new tool for measuring sales effectiveness and unduplicated reach for consumer packaged goods advertising across television, desktop and mobile publishers. NCS says that Facebook is the first publisher lined up for the cross-media sales measurement solution and that means that advertisers will be able to measure the return on ad spend of campaigns that include both Facebook and TV. CBS' new research also showed that ads placed during sitcoms provided the best ROI, followed by variety shows. "Advertisers consistently ask us for better, cross-channel sales effect measurement," said Leslie Wood, chief research officer at Nielsen Catalina Solutions, in a read more visit us Facebook
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