"Daily Mail Online" : Australian man uploads video of having sex to Facebook

according to A man has posted a video of himself having sex with a woman to a private online men's group. A man has posted a video of him having sex with a woman to a private online men's group (screenshot of post and video pictured)Degrading Facebook comments on the original videoThe vile post was shared to a men's group on Facebook, where over 14,000 members were able to view it. In a screenshot of the video the man can be seen leering over a bed- the rest has been censored. Many have agreed with Mr Brien, showing their support on Facebook. 'A guy posted screenshots from a video of him having sex with someone on Facebook (yeah I'm 'dogging the boys' whoops) and you'd assume it wasn't taken let alone POSTED with her consent,' Mr Brien wrote.

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Who is Jeremy Christian? Facebook shows a man with nebulous political affiliations who hated circumcision and Hillary Clinton

Who is Jeremy Christian? Facebook shows a man with nebulous political affiliations who hated circumcision and Hillary Clinton
In his milder posts, Christian wrote about buying and selling comic books. According to Shane Burley, Portland author of the upcoming book "Fascism Today," that fuzziness is a hallmark of extremism. His posts reveal a comic book collector with nebulous political affiliations who above all else seemed to hate circumcision and Hillary Clinton. Christian posted on May 9. On April 28, the day before the alt-right protest where he was filmed, Christian wrote: "A note too [sic] all my Portland Peeps.

Swiss court convicts man over 'defamatory' Facebook likes

Swiss court convicts man over 'defamatory' Facebook likes
The Zurich district court said the defendant "clearly endorsed the unseemly content and made it his own" by liking comments. The Zurich court ruled that the defendant had not been able to prove that the comments he liked were truthful. The 45-year-old man liked six comments, according to Swiss newspaper Le Temps. According to the AFP news agency, Mr Kessler was convicted under anti-racism laws nearly 20 years ago. Mr Kessler is reported to have sued more than a dozen people over various comments made on Facebook in 2015.

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collected by :Andro Alex
