as informed in It's illegal for foreign entities to purchas political advertesment in the US, however in the runup to the 2016 election, a Russian-backed "troll farm" bought $100,000 worth of political advertesment on Facebook. The fair advertesment Act would amend the law to involve net advertesment in those requirements. "Political advertesment on the net are further common this time than ever," Klobuchar wrote in an op-ed on the bill in the Washington Post. So far, Facebook seems to be where Russian-linked operatives spent the generality money on political ads. The Russians spent about $100,000 on Facebook ads, compared to the "tens of thousands" they spent on advertesment at Google.

collected by :Roy Mark
Verizon's Longshot Bet to Disrupt Google and Facebook
Facebook and Google dominate digital advertising, however Verizon wants to change that. To put it in perspective, though, Google announced $22.7 bn in advertising income during in its final earnings report, and Facebook announced $9.2 billion. By Pivotal study 's estimate, Google and Facebook controlled about 77 % of the digital advertising market final year, and almost all of the growth. Advertisers are requesting further data about how exactly Google, Facebook, and other companies set whether an advertisement was seen or not. Google and Facebook, on the other hand, are continue in the process of having their reporting systems accredited with the MRC.
Google and Facebook under Stress after helping anti-refugee campaign
referring to Facebook used safe US Now's vidimus to probe whether or not vertical vidimus adverts can be further impactful than square ones. Facebook Twitter Pinterest The revelation comes after check mark Zuckerberg at premier denied Facebook had any effect on the 2016 US election, before further soon backtracking and apologising. In a statement, Google said: "We have strict policies which govern where we let Google advertesment to appear and we enforce these policies vigorously. The work with safe US this time cuts to the core of Facebook's hard year since the election. But Facebook too markets itself to politicians and campaigners around the world based precisely on its ability to effect how people vote.collected by :Roy Mark
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