as declared in Facebook has apologised after an probe found moderators failed to make the right decision nearly half when which deeply offensive posts were reported. The social network admitted to several discrepancies in how it censored posts, after they were brought to light with a ProPublica investigation. In 1 case, a photo of a corpse with the words "the only perfect muslim is a f------ dead one" was confirmed with Facebook moderators, while a comment stating "death to the Muslims!!!" ProPublica presented Facebook with a total of 49 posts which had been flagged as offensive with users, yet remembered online. The social network admitted which the wrong dial had been made on 22 of the posts - nearly half.
collected by :Roy Mark
Facebook apologises for leaving hate speech to stay up
The non-profit sent Facebook a sample of 49 items containing hate speech, and a few with legitimate expression from its pool of 900 crowdsourced posts. Facebook defended the decision, telling it did'nt attack a specific prevented group. Facebook defended the decision, telling it did'nt attack a specific prevented group. Facebook defended the decision to leave it on the site, telling it did'nt attack a specific prevented group. Facebook defended its Selection to leave it on the website as the caption condemned sexual violence, the spokesperson said.Facebook apologises for mistakes in removing hate speech
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