Facebook To Rely On Ben Franklin-Era tech To Verify Political advertesment In The Wake of Russian Meddling

Sharing Facebook Posts About the Latest Outrage? You may be Helping Russian Trolls

There's a perfect chance that, though you didn't realize it, you were helping Russian trolls. In fact, if you ever attended a rally or protest organized via social media, there's a perfect chance Russians got you there. In May, anti- and pro-immigration groups faced off in Houston, and both groups were unwittingly sent with Russian trolls. After final week's shooting in Parkland, Florida, Russian media bots sprang into action and began posting on Twitter with hashtags like #guncontrolnow and #Parklandshooting. If it's a new-seeming group which has sprung up on social media, consider the potential which Russians are behind it.

Sharing Facebook Posts About the Latest Outrage? You Might Be Helping Russian Trolls

Facebook To Rely On Ben Franklin-Era tech To Verify Political advertesment In The Wake of Russian Meddling

not to mention will rely on tech which dates from Ben Franklin's time to have aTry to combat foreign meddling in aftertime unite states elections — the postal service. The 13 people found guilty in the indictment purchased political advertesment on media to achieve their objective, involving those excerpts involving "Ohio Wants Hillary four Prison" and "Donald wants to defeat terrorism . Through false personas, they communicated with native donald trump campaign staff, and purchased advertesment on Facebook and Instagram to promote the political events, the indictment charges. Most of the coverage of Russian meddling incloudes their attempt to influence the outcome of the 2016 US election. I have seen all of the Russian advertesment and I could tell extremely definitively which swaying the election was *NOT* the major goal.

Sharing Facebook Posts About the Latest Outrage? You may be Helping Russian Trolls

There's a perfect chance that, though you didn't realize it, you were helping Russian trolls. In fact, if you ever attended a rally or protest organized via social media, there's a perfect chance Russians got you there. In May, anti- and pro-immigration groups faced off in Houston, and both groups were unwittingly sent with Russian trolls. After final week's shooting in Parkland, Florida, Russian media bots sprang into action and began posting on Twitter with hashtags like #guncontrolnow and #Parklandshooting. If it's a new-seeming group which has sprung up on social media, consider the potential which Russians are behind it.

Sharing Facebook Posts About the Latest Outrage? You Might Be Helping Russian Trolls

as mentioned in will rely on tech which dates from Ben Franklin's time to have aTry to combat foreign meddling in aftertime unite states elections — the postal service. The 13 people found guilty in the indictment purchased political advertesment on media to achieve their objective, involving those excerpts involving "Ohio Wants Hillary four Prison" and "Donald wants to defeat terrorism . Through false personas, they communicated with native donald trump campaign staff, and purchased advertesment on Facebook and Instagram to promote the political events, the indictment charges. Most of the coverage of Russian meddling incloudes their attempt to influence the outcome of the 2016 US election. I have seen all of the Russian advertesment and I could tell extremely definitively which swaying the election was *NOT* the major goal.

Facebook To Rely On Ben Franklin-Era tech To Verify Political advertesment In The Wake of Russian Meddling
