How to Sync Your Instagram Contacts to Facebook Messenger

as mentioned in Image: PexelsKeeping up with your friends on all the various social networks you share can be an organizational pain. Now, however, Facebook is making this a tiny bit easier by allowing you to bring your Instagram contacts into Messenger, which also syncs your Instagram and Messenger conversations. If you go through with the merge and transfer all of your contacts from Instagram into Messenger, your Instagram username and account also will also be visible to others in your Messenger chats—so they can go stalk your pet pictures, of course. On the list that appears, select "People," and then tap on "Sync Instagram Account."Screenshot: Facebook MessengerConnecting the two adds everyone you chat with on Instagram to Messenger automatically, which may or may not be something you actually want to do. If you're someone that tends to look at the two as separate entities with separate "friends," or you want to keep your Instagram life as hidden from your Facebook friends as possible, this option isn't for you.

Facebook can now sync your Instagram contacts to Messenger – TechCrunch

Facebook wants to expand your Messenger contact list with a little help from Instagram. When you tap on "Connect Instagram," Messenger adds contacts from Instagram automatically. As one Twitter user pointed out, it's not clear that pushing "Connect Instagram" (the button's title that appeared to some), means Messenger will automatically add your Instagram contacts to Messenger. In December 2017, TechCrunch spotted a very similar option to sync Instagram contacts to Messenger in the same People section. For example, in 2016 it gave businesses access to a unified inbox of conversations from across its platforms, including Facebook, Instagram and Messenger.

Facebook can now sync your Instagram contacts to Messenger – TechCrunch

Facebook and Instagram change to crack down on underage children – TechCrunch

as mentioned in Facebook and Instagram will more proactively lock the accounts of users its moderators encounter and suspect are below the age of 13. Facebook will require the users to provide proof that they're over 13, such a government-issued photo ID, to regain access. This does not mean Facebook will begin a broad sweep of its site hunting for underage users, but it will stop ignoring those it comes across. Facebook prohibits users under 13 to comply with the U.S. Child Online Privacy Protection Act, which requires parental consent to collect data about children. The change could see more underage users have their accounts terminated.

collected by :Roy Mark
