referring to Police in Blackpool have unexpectedly received a huge response to a Facebook post requesting information about a suspect of a robbery taking place in a local restaurant in September. After posting this CCTV screenshot of the suspect to Facebook, thousands of people took to the comments to point out instead the subject's uncanny resemblance to a major Hollywood star. At the time of writing, the post has been shared more than 50,000 times and has received almost 100,000 comments. Joyeux anniversaire à David Schwimmer qui fête aujourd'hui ses 51 ans ! "We have investigated this matter thoroughly and have confirmed that David Schwimmer was in America on this date," they said.

collected by :Roy Mark
Death of black man in police custody hits home at Facebook and in Silicon Valley
The sheriff's department says when Chinedu Valentine Okobi was first approached, he "immediately assaulted" a deputy. Four percent of employees are African American at Facebook which, like other big Silicon Valley tech companies, is mostly white and male and sensitivity to the Black Lives Matter movement has not always been evident. In 2016, Facebook employees crossed out "Black Lives Matter" and wrote "All Lives Matter" on the walls of the company's Menlo Park, California, campus. Chinedu Valentine Okobi, who died after struggling with police officers in the San Francisco Bay Area on Oct. 3. Black Lives Matter."
Akron police investigating violent arrest caught on viral Facebook video
according to AKRON, Ohio -- The Akron Police Department is investigating a violent arrest that was recorded on a video that went viral online. The Akron Police Department acknowledged in a statement that the punches seen on the video "do look violent," but defended the unnamed police officers' use of force. "The punches observed on the video are to the midsection of King and do look violent. Akron police officers are trained to use targeted strikes when using force, primarily to large muscle groups, police said. "Every use of force incident is taken seriously and undergoes a thorough investigation," the statement says.Mom may have stopped school shooting by alerting police to harassing Facebook posts
A preliminary hearing was set for early next month in Anderson County District Court. On Friday, Kentucky State Police Commissioner Rick Sanders said he was certain the police intervention saved lives. Jarrell lives close to Anderson County High School in Lawrenceburg, Kentucky. Anderson County public school officials canceled classes district-wide last Friday after being alerted by police. In another Facebook comment last week, Bull said the country needs "to do better" in dealing with mental health and gun control.collected by :Roy Mark
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