How to quit Facebook for the new year — or at least take a break for a while

Economists calculate the true value of Facebook to its users in new study

Today: evaluating the true value of Facebook to its users. "The value you place on something isn't what you pay for it—it's what you would be willing to pay," said Cash. The real takeaway from the study, according to Corrigan, is that users still seem to benefit the most from joining Facebook. "As much value as it is creating for Facebook and its shareholders, it appears to be creating even more value for its users," he said. "Most of the value from its platform is actually going towards the users of the platform, rather than to Facebook shareholders."

Economists calculate the true value of Facebook to its users in new study

How to quit Facebook for the new year — or at least take a break for a while

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Economists calculate the true value of Facebook to its users in new study

Today: evaluating the true value of Facebook to its users. "The value you place on something isn't what you pay for it—it's what you would be willing to pay," said Cash. The real takeaway from the study, according to Corrigan, is that users still seem to benefit the most from joining Facebook. "As much value as it is creating for Facebook and its shareholders, it appears to be creating even more value for its users," he said. "Most of the value from its platform is actually going towards the users of the platform, rather than to Facebook shareholders."

Economists calculate the true value of Facebook to its users in new study

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How to quit Facebook for the new year — or at least take a break for a while
