The Week in Tech: How Google and Facebook Spawned Surveillance Capitalism

The Week in Tech: How Google and Facebook Spawned Surveillance Capitalism

They allow workplace wellness programs to charge higher health insurance premiums to employees who decline to wear fitness trackers. The companies' pivot — from serving to surveilling their users — pushed Google and Facebook to harvest more and more data, Dr. Zuboff writes. "We saw these digital services were free, and we thought, you know, 'We're making a reasonable trade-off with giving them valuable data,'" Dr. Zuboff told me. They've decided that we're free, that they can take our experience for free and translate it into behavioral data. "When organizations do surveillance, people don't have control over that," Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook's chief, said in April during a Senate hearing on Cambridge Analytica, the voter-profiling company that improperly harvested the data of millions of Facebook users.

The Week in Tech: How Google and Facebook Spawned Surveillance Capitalism

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The Week in Tech: How Google and Facebook Spawned Surveillance Capitalism

They allow workplace wellness programs to charge higher health insurance premiums to employees who decline to wear fitness trackers. The companies' pivot — from serving to surveilling their users — pushed Google and Facebook to harvest more and more data, Dr. Zuboff writes. "We saw these digital services were free, and we thought, you know, 'We're making a reasonable trade-off with giving them valuable data,'" Dr. Zuboff told me. They've decided that we're free, that they can take our experience for free and translate it into behavioral data. "When organizations do surveillance, people don't have control over that," Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook's chief, said in April during a Senate hearing on Cambridge Analytica, the voter-profiling company that improperly harvested the data of millions of Facebook users.

The Week in Tech: How Google and Facebook Spawned Surveillance Capitalism

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