The secret lives of Facebook moderators in America

as informed in But the secrecy also insulates Cognizant and Facebook from criticism about their working conditions, moderators told me. In stark contrast to the perks lavished on Facebook employees, team leaders micro-manage content moderators' every bathroom break. Full-time Facebook employees then audit a subset of QA decisions, and from these collective deliberations, an accuracy score is generated. (Recently a group of Facebook moderators hired through Accenture in Austin complained about "inhumane" conditions related to break periods; Facebook attributed the issue to a misunderstanding of its policies.) They wished only that Facebook employees would think of them as peers, and to treat them with something resembling equality.

I tried to keep my unborn child secret from Facebook and Google

And so, in February of last year, my partner and I resolved to try and keep the existence of our unborn child a secret from the online economy's data-hungry gaze. (And yes, I realise the irony of me writing an article about a child I am trying to keep a secret from the internet.) For Brockell and the thousands of other people dealing with the loss of a child, that lack of control is hugely upsetting. Your unborn child has no clue what the internet is, but like each and every one of us, it is also the product. Advertisement– Inside the strange world of China's romantic video games– What Jeff Bezo's penis can teach us about online intimacy– Why it's so difficult keeping your unborn child a secret from the internet

I tried to keep my unborn child secret from Facebook and Google

Malia Obama's secret Facebook account reveals anti-Trump photos

as informed in AdvertisementMalia Obama described President Trump as 'evil' on a secret Facebook page where she exchanges messages friends including Joe Biden's granddaughter, can reveal. The Facebook page operates under a pseudonym and does not appear to have been publicly updated since 2017. This is the cover photograph on Malia Obama's secret Facebook page where the former first daughter shared photographs of her high school years and her time off before starting college. The Facebook page offers a rare glimpse into the the former first daughter's remarkably typical teenage years. There was no sign of her boyfriend, British youngster Rory Farquharson, in Miami and he does not appear in any photos on the Facebook page.

collected by :Roy Mark
